Consultation on 2026/7Admissions Policies 

Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School is considering a small change to its policy for admission to Reception for the 2026‑27 academic year. We are consulting on this change from 17 December 2024 until 31 January 2025 and you are invited to send us your comments during this period.

 From September 2024 we changed the oversubscription criteria in our Admissions Policy so that, after the priority for siblings of existing pupils, a new priority was created for up to 12 children who attend the school’s Nursery. We propose changing this from September 2026 onwards so that after the priority for siblings, up to 70% of the remaining places would be reserved for children attending the school’s Nursery and 30% for other children. We believe this to be a fairer way of allocating remaining spaces if a year has an unusually high or low number of siblings.

 This proposed change was highlighted in our previous consultation, however we delayed implementing it by a year so as not to affect the Reception applications of children who applied for Nursery on the basis of the previous policy. The full policy is available here.

 We will not make any other changes to the Admissions Policy, Certificate of Religious Practice or Supplementary Information Form. We will not change our Published Admission Number (the number of children who could be admitted), which remains at 30 for Reception.

 If you have any comments on this proposal, please send them to the school’s Admissions Officer, by email to or by post to Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School, 68 Hale Lane, Mill Hill, London NW7 3RT, in each case to arrive by 31 January 2025. The school’s Admissions Committee will consider all comments received on time before the admissions policy is finalised by 28 February 2025.

 Mr Daniel Braham

MMK Governor

Chair of Admissions